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got-data.org is 168极速赛车开奖现场结果+开奖结果官方 a platform for partnerships to build the field of data for social impact. We work with organizations from all over the world to increase the use of data in order to improve the lives of millions of people.

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Stories from the field demonstrate the tangible and global impact of the data for social impact community.

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Gender Lens

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We’re sharing underrepresented individuals’ overlooked stories in data to highlight the need for and benefit of gender diversity in data.

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The got-data.org 1分钟极速赛车168全国开奖记录数据查询 Resource Library features guides for overviews of specific topics in data, curated resources, and a variety of opportunities to help social impact organizations through their data journey.

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Data Maturity Assessment

Start your data journey here.

This tool offers a pulse check, helping you measure and understand where your organization stands in your data journey today and connecting you with the tools and resources you need to move forward.

Take the assessment

At data.org, we are placing bold bets to deploy the power of data science to solve some of society’s biggest challenges, from the pandemic, to climate change, from social justice to financial inclusion. Our global engagement with philanthropy, academia, technology, and social impact organizations focuses on leveraging existing partnerships and forging new ones to build the field of data science for social impact, together.

Danil-Mikhailov Danil Mikhailov, Ph.D. Executive Director data.org

Our 168极速赛车开奖结果查询 Partners

data.org is a fiscally sponsored project of New Venture Fund, a 501(c)(3) public charity, launched by Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Meet our partners

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