Event occurred on
January 24, 20237am PT / 10am ET / 3pm GMT / 8:30pm IST


Accelerate Aspirations: Moving Together to Achieve Systems Change

January 24, 2023 7am PT / 10am ET / 3pm GMT / 8:30pm IST

There is powerful potential within the emerging field of data for social impact (DSI), but how can we direct this energy to maximize impact and drive systemic change? Join data.org to learn about the progress, trends, risks, and opportunities in the field of data for social impact during a virtual event to launch a new 2023 Data for Social Impact, Accelerate Aspirations: Moving to Achieve Systems Change report. Tune in for a first look at the Accelerate report, insights and reflections from the field, key findings, and recommendations for converting the energy for DSI into a velocity that will drive collective social impact. 

Watch the Webinar
